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PCSJul 19, 20231 min read

4 Benefits of Mobile Device Management

How much of your workforce conducts business activities on mobile devices? And how secure do you think those devices are?

Mobile devices have become crucial tools to keep your workforce engaged and connected. Emails, company data, and customer information… they all flow through these devices. And with so many devices in use, how does an organization enforce its security rules?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a critical solution for organizations aiming to effectively manage and secure mobile devices. Today, we explore the 4 Benefits of MDM, highlighting how it enhances security, enables application control, provides cost savings, and mitigates risks.

Enhanced Security: With MDM, organizations can fortify device security meaning that it enables the enforcement of security policies such as password requirements, encryption, and remote data wiping. It enables the separation of personal and work-related data, allowing employees to use their devices for personal purposes without compromising sensitive business information.

Application Control: MDM enables organizations to exert granular control over the applications used on mobile devices. IT administrators can deploy, update, and remove applications remotely, ensuring that employees have access to business tools while maintaining security.

Cost Savings: By enforcing strict security policies, MDM helps prevent unauthorized device usage and reduces data overages which save on unnecessary expenses. It can also provide insights into device usage patterns allowing organizations to optimize data plans, device allocation, and software licenses.

Risk Management: With MDM, organizations can proactively address potential risks by enforcing industry regulatory compliance (such as HIPAA or GDPR) and minimizing the risk of non-compliance penalties. Through remote monitoring, MDM allows for quick response to security threats to lessen the overall impact on business.

Mobile Device Management provides significant benefits to organizations looking to maximize user productivity on mobile devices while also minimizing security risks and costs. Contact PCS to implement MDM in your organization.